Experiences with: Hackathon (13)

Get useful safety information about drugs you're taking or might be taking. Stay safe!
Aggregation and analysis of data that predicts the demand for batches of bourbon.
Helping immigrants and refugees learn languages one chat at a time.
RESearch (Restriction Enzyme Search) uses existing databases of genes and restriction enzymes to find the optimal way to encode arbitrary information into DNA.
Chat integration platform for helping people organize friends to go out to bars.
Photoediting sucks! We wanted to make an easy way to do a normally hard and tedious task or removing arbitrary objects from images.
MedCheck Is a medication adherence utility that runs primarily through the Amazon Echo, Echo Dot, and other Alexa enabled IOT Devices.
A VR version of the "hackertyper" experience using the HTC Vive and Unity
An internal feedback app for anonymous company improvement