Experiences with: Machine-learning (8)

Lucra Trading

Developed an automated cryptocurrency trading platform that's been live trading since August 2020 with over 250% returns.
Neural Style Transfered Art, automatically applied to merchandise for sale.

Fishback Management and Research

Created a backtesting framework to improve internal stock option ranking metrics. Wrote AI to improve stock options trading strategies.

Institute of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy

Wrote machine learning models for detecting anomalies in healthcare charge records
Search any state space using as many resources as you want while using the best version of your model so far

TWW Family Holdings L.L.L.P.

Built a high-availability, highly parallel, intelligent cryptocurrency bot trading platform from the ground up. Involved stress testing, parallel programming, cloud computing, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

University of Kentucky

Graduated with degrees in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and a minor in Math. Led UK's ACM chapter and organized workshops and hackathons.